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BY Expansive Worlds

Hotfixes 1.03 and 1.04 are live!

This patch packs a ton of improvements, including new water refinements, highly requested quality-of-life changes, and fixes for some of the most frequently encountered technical issues.

Here’s the detailed list of changes:


  • Improved screen space reflections to reduce distant noise and artifacts on the water surface.

A GIF of a Golden Ridge Reserve water body showcasing some of the enhanced water visual effects coming in alongside Hotfix 1.03

Dev Team’s Notes: Hotfix 1.02’s water improvements introduced a noisy effect due to the reflections’ higher resolution. In 1.03, our focus was on making smaller adjustments to remove those unwanted artifacts.

  • Improved the float’s reflections in the water.

  • Adjusted several animations causing hands to not properly align with the rod under high tension scenarios.

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain skin shaders to disappear when another player would ghost to avoid an obstruction or griefing behavior.

    • Dev Team’s Notes: The Ghost of Angling Present has decided to put their skin back on - their efforts to avoid traumatizing Golden Ridge’s visitors are appreciated!


  • Three new hair colors have been added to the customization options.

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed a broad selection of high-frequency stability issues and crashes.

  • Fixed a crash caused by pressing Escape in the Apex Friend text box.

  • Fixed a crash caused by selecting the selling page in the shop after moving all rods to storage.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause crashes or get players stuck under the map when entering a vehicle as it spawned.

    • Dev Team’s Notes: no longer 2fast4u…

  • Particles have been further optimized to improve performance.


  • The option to turn multiplayer off is now saved between game sessions.

  • Recommended gear for the optional tutorials now appears as intended in the Game Guide.

  • The names of points of interest, trailheads, and outposts have been added to the map.

  • Used-up baits no longer appear equipped on the rod in the Rod Assembler.

  • Baits are no longer duplicated in the Quick Menu.

  • Solved an issue that would prevent players from accessing the Quick Menu under specific circumstances.

  • Fixed several issues that would cause items to get stuck in the backpack or storage.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause duplicate tutorial messages to remain stuck on the screen.

  • Fixed some instances of tutorial prompts not appearing or being added to the Game Guide at the wrong time.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause text to overlap with other menu elements in specific languages.

  • Fixed the icon indicating the hot springs on the map.


  • The line is now properly taut from the last eyelet to the reel when a fish is pulling away.

  • Adjusted the spawn rate for Golden Trouts across Golden Ridge Reserve.

  • Adjusted Lake Trouts’ fighting behavior.

  • Updates the signs around lakes to display the correct names.

  • Fishing under bridges is now possible.

    • Dev Team’s Notes: Some could say this issue is now… water under the bridge! Get it? Hey, come back!

  • Improved the detection zone for the discovery of water bodies.

  • Updated the spawn locations for Golden Trouts and Lake Trouts.

  • Updated the spawn rate for gold and diamond fishes.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause floats and lures to sink in specific lakes.


  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players from completing the Diamond Peak’s Photo Challenge 3 mission.


  • Updated our Community Managers’ firmware so they don’t see questions related to the console’s release date till we’re ready to communicate on it.

    • Dev Team’s Notes: Rest assured that The Angler’s console version is well in the works. Repeatedly asking when it’ll be out won’t make it come any faster. Worse, it slows down our efforts to collect your feedback and suggestions. We promise we’ll let you know when we’re ready to share more.

Hotfix 1.04 (AKA The Small Fry)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from casting in water deeper than 50m.

    • Dev Team’s Notes: The community was quick to detect an issue with deep water fishing that slipped in Hotfix 1.03. Thankfully, we were able to swiftly react and correct the problem.

We’ve got one more hotfix in the pipes before we start focusing on our first game update. It’ll be lighter in changes but will bring the last remaining improvements needed to make The Angler a smooth experience for all our players. In the meantime, if you encounter a bug or would like to share feedback with us, make sure to head to our Discord server where we have dedicated forums for both!

Happy fishing, Anglers!

About the Author

The white Expansive Worlds Mountain logo icon over a background colored Expansive Green.

Expansive Worlds

This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!

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