Release Notes
Releasing for free alongside The Angler’s newest paid Reserve DLC, patch 1.4.0 includes a bundle of bug fixes and balancing changes, brand-new features, and one spooky event!
Let’s dive into the details!

The Trophy Shot is a new feature in the reward screen that allows you to better frame your caught fish for that perfect snapshot. Now you can even turn around to show off your catch to others in multiplayer!
Dev Team’s Note: Instead of just hiding the user interface in the reward screen, you'll now be able to line up that perfect trophy shot by adjusting both the camera and character to frame your catch.
The "Voyage Blurat" 4x4 vehicle, has been sent to the garage for a tune-up. Expect it to be slightly swifter and more capable over rough and steep terrain.
Dev Team’s Note: Following community feedback and the introduction of some rather steep hills in Spain, we've re-tuned the 4x4. Now it has a bit more torque, better power bandings, and more grip to meet the needs of the terrain.
The map for each location has been updated to be more distinctive and provide information about the terrain heights and water depths.
Dev Team’s Note: The map is an essential tool to aid your exploration and we felt that it was missing some key information about navigation and fish finding. We've added contour lines so you can better understand the layout of the terrain, and see the depth of the water and the height of the hills at a glance.
Halloween has come to the Golden Ridge Reserve! Check out the scary décor and spend your hard-earned credits on limited-time gear and spooky cosmetics.
Dev Team’s Note: Don't miss out on the exclusive Halloween items available to purchase with your in-game credits. Once unlocked they're yours to keep all year round.
Patch Notes
An issue causing the rod to get pulled downwards, making it impossible to lift or pump, after hooking a fish has been resolved.
A selection of missions in the Golden Ridge Reserve have been made easier, including the mission to catch the “Gold Rank Green Sunfish”.
Players will no longer be able to look backward while casting the rod and standing on a boat.
It is no longer possible to get a rod stuck on the screen by casting at the same time as talking to the Shopkeeper.
We've addressed an issue where the game would incorrectly inform you about entering the deep water while being on land in certain locations in the Golden Ridge Reserve and the Trollsporet Nature Reserve.
Sidewinder, the Golden Ridge Reserve Legendary fish, has been made easier to bait.
The "Norway Jose" trophy/achievement will now correctly unlock after finding all of the collectibles in the Trollsporet Nature Reserve.
It is no longer necessary to re-equip the Spinner Lure during “Taylor's Tackle Academy: Advanced Class” to progress the mission objective.
We've addressed an issue causing caught fish to appear less reflective and more matte when fished out in certain locations.
We've fixed an issue that would cause the wrong level of detail (LOD) to be displayed on several signs.
Various objects have been repositioned to align better with the ground in Golden Ridge Reserve.
We’ve fixed a handful of unnatural-looking water transitions at waterfalls in Golden Ridge Reserve.
Tire mark decals left by the 4x4 have been adjusted to align better with the ground and look more natural at night time.
Apex Connect names now update correctly in-game after a reboot if they were changed on the Apex Account website.
It is no longer possible to interrupt other players’ emotes by equipping a rod while standing next to them in multiplayer.
We’ve addressed an issue in multiplayer where it was possible to “kidnap” a player using a boat while they were actively fishing.
On Xbox, accepting a system game invite while the game is closed now correctly follows the intended flow into the game.
The button prompts now correctly update when using a keyboard and mouse to navigate from the map to the rod setup menu.
We've fixed an issue causing a tutorial pop-up about lures to be displayed in various incorrect situations.
“The Sauger is most active during the night time" message no longer remains on screen after catching a gold rank Sauger.
The incorrect button prompts within the Apex Connect Menus have been removed.
Opening the map while reversing in the 4x4 will no longer cause the engine sound to continue playing in the menus.
We’ve fixed an issue with the missing waterfall sounds.
The Shopkeeper in GRR will no longer use the exit dialogue "You didn't buy anything!" during the tutorial.