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BY Expansive Worlds

Hello, Anglers!

We are excited to share that Call of the Wild: The Angler will launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One this summer.

The console versions are being developed by a dedicated team and will include the improvements that the PC version has received so far. Additionally, anglers will be able to play together across all platforms thanks to cross-play support.

We look forward to providing more details as well as the release date with you in the coming months!

As a studio that cares deeply about creating memorable gaming experiences in close collaboration with you, our community, we are thrilled to welcome more anglers to enjoy the beautiful outdoors with us.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

The Call of the Wild: The Angler Team

About the Author

The white Expansive Worlds Mountain logo icon over a background colored Expansive Green.

Expansive Worlds

This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!

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