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BY Expansive Worlds

Release Notes

In this hotfix, we’re addressing the stability and performance issues introduced in Patch 1.2.4, as well as introducing some gameplay and visual adjustments. You can read the details below.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a rare audio-related crash introduced in Patch 1.2.4 that occurred when exploring Golden Ridge Reserve.

  • Changes have been made to how the user interface utilizes VRAM to improve both performance and stability.


  • Improvements have been made to memory usage when transitioning between reserves and fast traveling within a reserve to improve performance over time.


  • More instances of visual issues with specific water bodies have been addressed.


  • Updates have been made to a number of boat spawning locations in Trollsporet Nature Reserve to improve their positioning in the respective docks.

  • Passengers on a boat in multiplayer are now able to cycle cameras freely whilst being driven around.

  • Cutting the line while fishing on a boat will no longer result in changing seats if the interaction key is held after the action.

  • Fixed an issue that saw jigging and twitching not working with jig heads and soft plastics.

Happy fishing, Anglers!

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About the Author

The white Expansive Worlds Mountain logo icon over a background colored Expansive Green.

Expansive Worlds

This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!

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