All Coin Locations in Golden Ridge Reserve
As players move throughout Golden Ridge Reserve in search of their next adventure, they are bound to stumble upon some of the Coins that can be found at various Points of Interest.
While we would like nothing more than for you to find each of them on your own, it’s likely that some will elude you. This guide will help you find all 20 Coins scattered throughout the park.

When you pick up a Coin for your collection, be sure to open your Handbook and inspect it. Each Coin comes with a detailed description that will teach you more about its origin.
Tips for Finding Coins
If you would prefer some help with finding Coins but don’t want their exact location spoiled for you, here are some tips to point you in the right direction:
The Golden Tour quest is a fantastic way to not only get to know Golden Ridge Reserve but also get your Coin collection off to a strong start
Each of the coins can be found near a Point of Interest, such as Lookout Towers and Outposts
Collectibles in Call of the Wild: The Angler will have an orange, glowing outline as you near them
Items that you can interact with or pick up will give off a subtle ringing sound as you get close to them
Coin #1: Lewis and Clark Exposition Gold Dollar
The Lewis and Clark Exposition Gold Dollar can be found at the Diamond’s Peak Outpost. It will be sitting on a barrel just west of the boat dock. This is a Coin you pass as you’re completing the Tutorial mission, shortly after you meet Sophia for the first time.
Coin #2: Panama-Pacific Half Dollar
Your second Coin might actually be the first you find, as the Panama-Pacific Half Dollar can be found at the starter pond, also during the Tutorial mission. You’ll find the Coin on a log with a hatchet sticking out of it next to the cabin.
Coin #3: Illinois Centennial Half Dollar
You’ll find the Illinois Centennial Half Dollar at the Silver Strand Meadows Outpost. This Coin is on a Picnic table outside of the Bar and Grill.
Coin #4: Huguenot-Walloon Half Dollar
There’s a Coin located at the Mountain Lake on the northwest section of Golden Ridge Reserve. Look for a cabin near the lake, grabbing the Huguenot-Walloon Half Dollar from the bench just outside.
Coin #5: United States Sesquicentennial Coinage
The next Coin on your list can be found at the Emerald Lake Plateau Outpost. You’ll find it on a barrel near the water's edge, just beside where folks store their boats.
Coin #6: Washington Quarter
The Washington Quarter is located at the Ruby River Range Outpost. This Coin can be picked up from a barrel near the Jetty.
Coin #7: California Pacific International Exposition Half Dollar
You’ll find the California Pacific International Exposition Half-Dollar at the J & D Watermill, which is one of the stops on The Golden Tour. This Coin can be found on a table just outside of a building near the water.
Coin #8: Booker T. Washington Memorial Half Dollar
When players visit the Ironworks Hot Spring as part of The Golden Tour they will be able to pick up the Booker T. Washington Memorial Half-Dollar. This coin is located on one of the picnic tables outside of the main building.
Coin #9: Carver-Washington Half Dollar
The Carver-Washington Half Dollar is found at the Railway Point of Interest that you’ll visit as part of The Golden Tour. The Coin can be found up on the tracks, and further north along those same tracks is a Hat from the Lost Item collection.
Coin #10: United States Bicentennial Quarter
You can snag the United States Bicentennial Quarter from Prosperity’s Spring Mining Town as part of The Golden Tour. Look for a church near the south part of town. South of the church will be a cabin with a workbench outside. The Coin is on a barrel near the workbench.
Coin #11: United States Bicentennial Half Dollar
There’s a Coin located at the Eisenhower Dam in the southeast section of the map. You’ll visit this location as part of The Golden Tour and can find the United States Bicentennial Half Dollar on a railing near the water’s edge.
Coin #12: Nathaniel V Johnson Memorial Half Dollar
The Nathaniel V Johnson Memorial Half Dollar can be found as part of The Golden Tour when you visit the Heritage Vista. As you look west out over Golden Ridge Reserve, the Coin can be found on the nearby railing.
Coin #13: Golden Ridge National Park Silver Dollar
Grab a Coin from the Spire’s Drop stop on The Golden Tour. The Golden Ridge National Park Silver Dollar can be found west of where you spawn in when using the fast travel point. This Coin is also on a railing near the water’s edge.
Coin #14: Norwegian Friendship Dollar
You can find the Norwegian Friendship Dollar at the Cooke & Co Lumber Mill while you’re taking The Golden Tour. The Coin will be sitting on a table outside of a building with “Cooke & Co Millworks Lumber” printed on the side of it.
Coin #15: Canadian Alliance Dollar
There’s a Coin in the Lookout Tower to the west of the Spire’s Drop Point of Interest. Follow the path and climb the tower to find the Canadian Alliance Dollar sitting on the railing beside where you can survey the surrounding area.
Coin #16: Spanish Companionship Dollar
You can find the Spanish Companionship Dollar in a Lookout Tower south of Bear Lake (the biggest lake in Golden Ridge Reserve). This Coin can be picked up from the railing just as you reach the top level of the tower.
Coin #17: Stand United with Scousers Dollar
The Stand United with Scousers Dollar can be found at a Lookout Tower on the west side of Lake Tourmaline. This is the lake directly northwest of the Diamond’s Peak Outpost. The Coin is on the railing on the top level of the tower, but on the opposite side of where you would survey the surrounding area.
Coin #18: Taylor’s Tackles Token
A Taylor’s Tackles Token can be found on the southwest shore of Bear Lake, near The Gravy Bubble Trailhead. Climb the nearby Lookout Tower and you’ll find this very valuable Coin sitting on the railing to the left of the spot where you can survey the surrounding area.
Coin #19: Clayton Johnson Commemorative Dollar
Snag the Clayton Johnson Commemorative Dollar near the Sitting Biscuit Trailhead. This Coin can be obtained from the Jetty. It’s sitting on one of the support beams at the water’s edge.
Coin #20: Bigfoot Doubloon Double-Dollar
Across the river and east from the Railway fast travel point, high up in the hills, is a Lookout Tower where you can find the Bigfoot Doubloon Double-Dollar, the final Coin on our list. Climb the tower and find the Coin sitting on the floor next to where you can survey the surrounding area.
If you’ve followed this guide you should now have all 20 Coins from Golden Ridge Reserve collected, and you’ll be that much closer to unlocking the Lost and Flounder achievement for Call of the Wild: The Angler.
About the Author
This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!