Patch 1.1.4 is Live!
Patch 1.1.4 is live!
It mainly focuses on better protecting our players’ saves from corruption in the event of an unforeseen shutdown of the game. Losing all your progress in a game isn’t cool, and we wanna make sure it doesn’t happen on The Angler.

Improvements have been made to how save data is managed on Windows to deal with circumstances such as closing the game down or losing power whilst the game is actively saving.
Dev Team’s Notes: We’ve seen reports of players losing their progress when the game isn’t shut down correctly. This update puts safeguards in place to prevent that from happening.
Achievements for Windows have been fixed and will start unlocking again as intended.
Dev Team’s Notes: Progress was still being tracked and achievements that were completed on 1.1.3 will unlock once the update is installed.
Resolved an issue that would make it impossible to join a friend’s multiplayer session from the Apex Connect Friends’ List in the Main Menu.
Resolved issues with missing localization strings for upcoming free items.
As always, your feedback was key to our ability to detect and solve these issues. We were sorry to hear about our players who found themselves with a blank save and had to restart the game from the beginning. If you face any technical issues while playing The Angler, make sure to let us know via our Support Page or on our Discord server - it’s the best way to make sure it’s seen by the team and being worked on.
Happy fishing, Anglers!
About the Author
This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!