All Lost Item Locations in Golden Ridge Reserve
As you make your way through Golden Ridge Reserve, you’re likely to stumble upon some Lost Items that park visitors have misplaced. In fact, there are seven of them in total. We expect that you’ll find a few of them as you search for that perfect spot, but collecting them all could prove difficult. If you’re missing a few and want to complete the set, we’ll help you locate each item so you can get back out on the water where you belong.

Tips for Finding Collectibles
If you’d rather find the various collectibles around Golden Ridge Reserve with as little help as possible, below are some general tips that can point you in the right direction without giving you the exact locations.
Each of the seven Lost Items are located at stops along The Golden Tour or at one of the four Outposts in Golden Ridge Reserve
All collectibles in Call of the Wild: The Angler will glow orange as you get close to them
If you hear a subtle ringing as you’re exploring, that’s a good indication that there’s an item of interest or collectible nearby
Lost Item #1: Children's Toy
The first Lost Item on our list is the Children’s Toy, located at Prosperity’s Pick Silver Mine, which you’ll visit on The Golden Tour quest that introduces you to the park. You’ll find the item at the water’s edge, with a nearby Lookout Tower visible to the east.
Lost Item #2: Keys
The Keys can be found at the Cooke & Co Lumber Mill which, like the first Lost Item, is also one of the stops on The Golden Tour. The keys are sitting in a tray on the ground not far from the water’s edge.
Lost Item #3: Pair of Glasses
One of the Lost Items is a Pair of Glasses at the Diamond’s Peak Outpost. If you’re entering the outpost from the south, you’ll find them under a tree on the left side of the road next to the Fire Danger sign.
Lost Item #4: Hat
While you’re on The Golden Tour, you’ll visit a Point of Interest called the Railway. If you climb onto the tracks (don’t worry - the trains no longer run), you’ll find the Hat north of where you spawn from the Railway fast travel location.
Lost Item #5: Wallet
We’ve got another Lost Item on The Golden Tour. You can find a Wallet at Prosperity’s Spring Mining Town. We’d encourage you to seek out its rightful owner, but it doesn’t appear to have any identification inside. You’ll find the wallet southeast of the boat dock, sitting on a bench outside of a cabin.
Lost Item #6: Water Bottle
There’s a Lost Item sitting out in the open in the southeast corner of the map at the Ruby River Range Outpost. The Water Bottle is on a picnic table near the water’s edge.
Lost Item #7: Camping Gear
The final Lost Item that you’ll want to collect is the Camping Gear. When you’re at the Heritage Vista, head to the small pond nearby. On the opposite side of the pond from the dock, you’ll find the Camping Gear sitting on a rock. Like many other items, guests have misplaced throughout the park, this one is right under your nose as you complete The Golden Tour.
If you’ve followed along with our guide, you should now see seven Lost Items when you pop open your Handbook. This will bring you one step closer to the Lost and Flounder achievement for Call of the Wild: The Angler, as well as filling up our Lost and Found.
About the Author
This content was made by the fine people at Expansive Worlds, a creative division of the globally renowned Swedish games development company, Avalanche Studios Group. Stay up to date with all things The Angler and interact with our growing and passionate community by following us on social media!